Minor in Mathematics

The Minor in Mathematics officially recognizes students who have completed a sizable number of mathematics courses. All coursework used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. 

Mathematics Minor - 24 units minimum

1. Core Courses* (12 units)

Required Courses for the Math Minor.

Course Number Course Title Units
MATH 226 Calculus I 4
MATH 227 Calculus II 4
MATH 228 Calculus III 4

*- the equivalents of these courses may be taken at a junior college or another university


2. Core Elective Course** (3-4 Units)

One of the following courses must be taken. If both are taken, only one can count towards the minor.

Course Number Course Title Units
MATH 225 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
MATH 325 Linear Algebra 4

**- the equivalents of these courses may be taken at a junior college or another university


3. Elective Courses*** (9 Units)

At least 3 of the following courses must be taken.

Course Number Course Title Units
MATH 300 History of Mathematics 3
MATH 301GW Exploration and Proof 3
MATH 310 Elementary Number Theory 3
MATH 314 Math Circle Seminar 3
MATH 324 Probability and Statistics with Computing 3
MATH 335 Modern Algebra I 3
MATH 338 Introduction to SAS 3
MATH 350 Geometry 3
MATH 370 Real Analysis I 3
MATH 376 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
MATH 380 Introduction to Complex Analysis 3
MATH 400 Numerical Analysis 3
MATH 420 Combinatorics 3
MATH 424 Introduction to Linear Models 3
MATH 425 Applied and Computational Linear Algebra 3
MATH 430 Mathematics of Optimization 3
MATH 435 Modern Algebra II 3
MATH 440 Probability and Statistics I 3
MATH 441 Probability and Statistics II 3
MATH 442 Probability Models 3
MATH 447 Design and Analysis of Experiments 3
MATH 448 Introduction to Statistical Learning and Data Mining 3
MATH 449 Categorical Data Analysis 3
MATH 450 Topology 3
MATH 451 Introduction to Differential Geometry 3
MATH 460 Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH 462 Dynamical Systems with Applications 3
MATH 470 Real Analysis II 3
MATH 471 Fourier Analysis and Applications 3
MATH 477 Partial Differential Equations 3
MATH 491 Game Theory 3
MATH 492 Group Representations 3
MATH 493 Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics 3
MATH 494 Non-Parametric Statistics 3
MATH 495 Introductions to Wavelets and Frames with Applications 3
PHYS 430**** Quantum Mechanics I 3
PHYS 460**** Electricity and Magnetism 3
CSC 510**** Analysis of Algorithms 3

***- at most one of these courses may be taken at another university

****- at most one of these courses may count towards the minor


Other Rules

At least 12 units of courses counted toward the minor, including at least 6 upper-division units, must be completed at SF State. Courses numbered MATH 325, MATH 375, MATH 475, and MATH 500 through MATH 599 may not be counted as electives toward the mathematics minor. CR/NC grades are not acceptable in courses taken to fulfill mathematics minor requirements.

Adding/Changing Minor

Please see this link for the guide on the Registrar's website to add or change your minor.

If you are unable to do this change on your Student Center, please fill out this form and send it to the Math Department Front Office (statmath@sfsu.edu)


If you have any questions regarding the Minor in Mathematics, please contact Dr. Alex Schuster.

When you email him, please include the following information:

  1. Your ID number
  2. The classes from the above list you have taken indicating:
    • Where you took each class
    • For each class, how many units you received credit for