MATH 112: Quantitative Reasoning for Civic Engagement


Bulletin Listing

Prerequisites: First-Year Math Advising Module.

Participation in civic society requires not only understanding principles of governance, but also problem-solving. Develop the mathematical concepts and skills relevant to the challenges and issues facing individuals and societies. Enables both quantitative understanding and decision-making about aspects of work, life, and civic participation. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC allowed)
(Note: For this course to satisfy General Education, students must earn a grade of C- or CR or better.)
(This course is offered as LCA 112/PHIL 112/PLSI 112/HIST 112/I R 112/MATH 112. Students may not repeat the course under an alternate prefix.)

Course Attributes:

  • B4: Math/QR
  • Social Justice

Goals, Objectives, Outcomes  

  1. Understand and evaluate the use of quantitative data or data visualizations when used in news, public, or scholarly media,
  2. Use arithmetic, geometric, algebraic, and basic statistical skills to analyze data relating to issues of civic engagement and to propose data-informed solutions to real-life problems in society,
  3. Formulate a research question, collect quantitative data, and use technology to support a thesis statement about our current or an historical society,
  4. Use quantitative analysis to explore the dimensions of hierarchy, power, and privilege in our current society or historical societies, and
  5. Identify ways that quantitative analysis can contribute to social justice in our community, nation, or world.

There are also specific learning objectives for the different areas of GE that this course satisfies. As a part of the university’s mission to enhance quantitative reasoning skills, participants in this course will strive to:

  • interpret mathematical models such as formulae, graphs, tables, and schematics, and draw inferences from them; represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically, and verbally;
  • interpret and draw conclusions from quantitative materials and use those materials to construct mathematical models;
  • use arithmetical, algebraic, geometric and and/or statistical methods to solve problems; explain and apply mathematical concepts; use computational skills and appropriate technology to carry out mathematical operations;
  • estimate and check answers to mathematical problems in order to determine reasonableness, identify alternatives, and select optimal results;
  • identify ways in which use of quantitative methods impacts our society or environment.

As a part of the university’s mission to pursue education in social justice, participants in this course will strive to:

  • analyze, articulate, and apply principles of social justice in addressing social constructions of identity, hierarchy, power, and privilege, and
  • identify ways in which they can contribute to social justice within local communities, nations, or the world.

Submitted by Eric Hsu, May 16 2024